Forward Counseling & Consultation
Trauma, Mental Health, Interpersonal Violence and Substance Use

Trauma, Mental Health, Interpersonal Violence and Substance Use

This interactive two-day training focuses on complex connections between gender-based violence, substance use and mental health when working with people experiencing interpersonal violence.  The training addresses when and how to talk about mental health and substance use, how to support individuals with these concerns, application of skills in assessment, and safety planning around issues of substance use and mental health.  The training explores strategies for implementing trauma-sensitive practices at individual, organizational and community levels. The two days are filled with opportunity to review trauma basics and stabilization; attachment, complexity of trauma, dissociation to Polyvagal Theory while learning more about substance use concerns and what’s happening in the brain and body. In each section we focus on providing interventions for stabilization and implementing skills while providing information and guidance on co-occurring patterns, cycles and stuck points while providing techniques on interrupting patterns. Forward Counseling and Consultation’s (FCC) clinicians have extensive experience working with individuals who experience complex trauma and co-occurring concerns with years of training peers on building clinical foundation in their practice to apply stabilization, skills in assessment, safety planning around issues of substance use and mental health. If your agency or organization is interested in holding a workshop or training please contact FCC to discuss options.